SMART AGING means well-thought-out and consistent care activities, combined with a healthy lifestyle. These activities should be a pleasure, not a duty to hide our age. That is why it is equally important to find time for pleasure and enjoy life.
Did you know that...
- Japan is home to 10% of the world's centenarian population
- Japan is the fastest-ageing country in the world.
- Japan is also the only country in the world to celebrate Respect for the Elderly Daykeirō no hi .
Let's live in harmony with nature...
...and let's age beautifully
In Japan, old age is not considered an undesirable condition. The Japanese approach - respect for the passage of time treats age not as a burden, but as another, full of new colors, stage on the way of life. Japanese women know that they don't have to be perfect. They are aware that appearance and beauty are not everything in themselves. They are parts of a whole that they consciously create.
Long-term and holistic
Asian women put skin health first, which means tackling skin problems instead of hiding them. The Japanese say that it is common sense to hit the source first, not the effect. Japanese women focus on prophylaxis, which prevents unfavorable changes. They take care of their face and body regularly, carefully and holistically. Step by step.
Our approach to the SMART AGING RITUAL concept is combined activities in four areas:
#1 diet
What we eat affects our
appearance, but also our well-being and health. Heart disease and cancer are less common in Asian countries. It is said that this phenomenon is related to the specific diet of Asians, which consists of fish, seafood and a lot of vegetables.
#2 physical activity
Physical activity has a lot of benefits for our body and mental balance. In Asia, exercise is part of everyday life. Their goal is not to change their physical appearance and achieve unrealistic standards imposed by society, but to remain active and fit into old age as much as possible.
We want to help you create care rituals tailored to the needs of your skin, as well as acting preventively. In our cosmetics you will find fermented ingredients such as pink clay, pomegranate or red ginseng, which are designed to activate the regeneration of skin cells and increase its elasticity.
#4 massage
Massage is closely related to the culture of the East. It is an ancient healing practice that uses various therapeutic grips that allow the muscles to relax. We encourage you to introduce facial massage to your daily routine. It is a great form of relaxation, but also a way to improve the appearance of the skin and prevent wrinkles.